7 Absolute Must-Haves For Postpartum Recovery

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to products that I recommend. Please note that I may receive a commission from any purchases made through these links. Thank you for supporting this small blog :)

In this blog post, I share the products that I absolutely SWEAR BY and the products that saved my sanity post-birth. Preparing these ahead of time was probably the best thing I could’ve done for myself because every part of me was so focused on taking care of my baby after getting home from the hospital. I had no time to research what I should get, so to have done that before giving birth was necessary!

(Please note: I had a vaginal birth with a second-degree tear. Your supplies may differ if you’ve had a c-section and/or other interventions. Please consult your doctor when necessary, because what works for me may not work for you.)

1. Stool Softeners (Docusate)

I don’t know if I need to say much about this one. Every mama knows that the postpartum poops are not fun. The last thing you want to do is strain even the tiniest bit while your lady parts are healing. (By the way, be sure to buy docusate, which is a stool softener, and not senna, which is a stimulant that acts as a laxative - this will force you to go more often rather than soften your stool for when you go.)

2. Donut Pillow

This pillow was a godsend in my third trimester while I was working from home. And on the way to the hospital, it saved me from all the bumps in the road that would’ve made my contractions a million times worse. I also used it every single day while in postpartum recovery (and admittedly still sometimes do because it’s that comfortable).

3. Maternity Pads

I’ve tried many different maternity pads and loved these the most, especially during the first few days when the blood flow was heaviest. (Think “your second day of period” and multiply that by 5.) They were by far the most absorbent that I’ve tried. Then when the amount of blood began to lessen, I used regular pads.

4. Mesh Underwear


The two disposable panties that I want to share are the ones I got from the hospital and the Frida. The ones from the hospital were baggier, softer, and stretchier. They were great for the first week home when I wore the hospital-grade maternity pads. I transitioned to the Frida ones after and I loved them because they were tighter, which helped as everything was shifting back into place.

5. Frida Mom Peri Bottle

Hospitals usually supply you with a peri bottle (to rinse every time you go to the bathroom) but this one from Frida is worth buying. It holds much more water and the long spout makes it easier to position!

6. Perineal Spray

The Earth Mama herbal perineal spray was by far my favorite spray for its cooling effect. I used it religiously and went through 2 entire bottles during recovery!

7. Witch Hazel Pads

These pads were crucial during recovery as well. They were instantly soothing and I went through several tubs. I would line them up on top of my maternity pad for a long-lasting cooling sensation.

I hope this post helps you as you gear up for the birth of your precious miracle! During my postpartum recovery, my father would always say to me that moms are the strongest beings. And he was right about that. Postpartum recovery is definitely not a walk in the park, but I truly believe that we rise up stronger than before for having gone through this.

Are there any products that I missed? What were your postpartum must-haves after giving birth? Let me know in the comment section!


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