Luke's Favorite Toys for Fun and Development

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I put together a list of Luke’s most beloved toys and the toys that were able to motivate him to practice his motor skills. Please note that every baby is different, and what captivates Luke’s attention may not have the same effect on your babe. This list will continue to be updated, so check back for more!

0 to 6 months

  • I first want to talk about the Babybjorn bouncer which was our most used purchase during the newborn stage. It kept us sane as we were able to get short spurts of rest by putting Luke in it. We loved this bouncer more than any other rockers because it is so compact and lightweight for our small apartment, and the toy bar was also a great addition!

  • During the newborn stage, we focused heavily on tummy time using our Lovevery Baby Gym, which I highly recommend. It comes with a booklet on how to engage your baby during different milestones and provides a variety of activities to promote development! We also loved the Fisher-Price Kick & Play Piano Gym and found that Luke loved the music that it plays. These two mats made tummy time much easier for us.

  • His other favorite toys during this stage were the famous Koala Crinkle Activity Book and Baby Einstein Octoplush which we still at 8 months.

  • At around 3-4 months, our pediatrician gave us a physical therapy referral after noticing that Luke had a slight motor delay. Our physical therapist was amazing at teaching us how to get Luke to reach and grab and recommended an o-ball to practice these skills. She also highly recommended this rattle. In no time, Luke was motivated to reach, grab, hold, and rattle things himself! We saw a big improvement just by the addition of these two toys.

6 to 9 months (present)

  • At around 6 months, we introduced the Fisher-Price Animal Activity jumperoo and Luke had a blast in it. It’s no wonder that this one has such good reviews. It allowed me to get work done around the house knowing that my baby was safe!

  • We also bought this walker which Luke has recently been loving more and more. It took some time for him to discover that he could actually go forward in it, but after discovering his autonomy, he waddles wherever he pleases and touches everything in his path.

  • Lastly, bath time has gone from a time of relaxation to a time of fun. It’s crazy to see the light switch turn in babies’ minds. Luke now loves to play with his toys in the water, watching the water bubble and splash. We make sure to buy toys that dry easily (there are reports of mold found in squeaky toys so we stay away from them). For now, these simple bath boats do it for us!

Favorite Books

  • Luke is only 8 months old so I still get to pick the books we read! :) Here are some of MY favorites:

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